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About Us

​Chris was born in northern Delaware back in 1977. Disco was on its way out, Star Wars had just hit theaters, and David Berkowitz was finally captured after terrorizing New York City as the Son of Sam. He grew up reading the comic books that dominate the box office these days, so he was totally into X-

Men and Captain America before it was cool.
 He took a break from work in the fall of 2007 and went on a three month trip around the world; an event he described as both personally liberating and financially terrifying. Chris currently works in software development and hopes to create a non-profit animal sanctuary one day. 


In the same year Return of the Jedi was released in theaters, Sally Ride became the first woman in space and Billie Jean was topping the charts; Michelle Irene was born on Easter Sunday in Winter Park Memorial Hospital. At the tinder age of six, she was allowed to watch Night of the Living Dead. This effected her greatly.

An Air Force brat, she went on to travel the world; visiting over 8 countries before the age of twenty. When she wasn’t being a world traveler, she would dress up like Dorothy and reenact The Wizard of Oz in her living room. She did this until she was thirteen. Michelle attend the Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University where she studied Filmmaking. She worked in Television Animation and now runs this site.


Chris and Michelle meet in Virginia in 2009 and since then they have gone on to adopt two dogs, moved across the country and got married. They started this blog/vlog/website to document their adventures and hope you'll come along with them. 


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